Your tax-deductible donation equips Helping Hands to tell positive and uplifting stories of SOCIAL GOOD.
This shapes the world around us, and creates the type of communities that we would like to be a part of.
Make a general donation to Helping Hands, or sponsor a charity, panel discussion, and education resources.
Click on the buttons to make a tax-deductible donation:
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Direct Debit:
name: Media Arts Foundation Ltd
swift code: BENDAU3B
bsb: 633000
account: 176664613
reference: use 'Helping Hands' and the name of the person or organisation who you'd like to sponsor to appear on the program.
Credit Card:
Note: donations of $2 and above are tax deductible.
Send an email to with your name and contact details so we can provide you with a tax-deductible receipt for your generous support.
The Media Arts Foundation is a Cultural and Arts Media charity registered with the ACNC.
Helping Hands is produced with the support of the Media Arts Foundation.